Fresh Thinking

Is it time to re-assess Europe’s 100-year old involvement in Israeli-Palestinian affairs?

Here are four Jerusalem Post articles exploring the issue:

Europe’s Cultural Occupation

In Europe’s Cultural Occupation, a suggestion that European intervention in Israeli-Palestinian affairs has been disruptive to Palestinians and Israelis alike and that it serves as a major hurdle to peace: “By repeatedly building artificial barriers between Israeli and Palestinian societies, Europe is still forcing on the Palestinians a narrative of victimhood and distress.”

Reprints from Jerusalem Post

Europe’s Anti-Israel Sentiment

In Europe’s Anti-Israel Sentiment, an examination of possible motivations for Europe’s escalation towards Israel over the last twenty years – drawing on the analysis of two experts who suggest that Europe’s rising Muslim population and the astounding recent success of Israel are core reasons for such escalation.

Reprints from Jerusalem Post

Europe’s Choice

In Europe’s Choice, an examination of the possible connection between attempts to downplay Europe’s broad cooperation in the Jewish genocide and current European cooperation with political attacks on the Jewish State.

Reprints from Jerusalem Post

Europe’s Rendezvous with Destiny

In Europe’s Rendezvous with Destiny, an assertion that European-Israeli relationship must be analyzed in its historical context, pointing to new rationalizations of anti-Israel hostility in each cycle. “Europeans have a choice to make: continue the predictable 2,300 year cycle of animosity toward Israel, or this time decide to break from this vicious destiny.”

Reprints from Jerusalem Post



Backup from Europe:


“While good-intentioned, European intervention has been perpetuating the conflict and continuously blocking the prospects for peace.”

Jerusalem Post articles:

Europe’s Cultural Occupation

Europe’s Anti-Israel Sentiment

Europe’s Choice

Europe’s Rendezvous with Destiny